Hello there!
Are you planning for your child's upcoming baby shower or 100th day celebration or even 1st birthday party celebration? What type of activities should you arrange and is a Magic Show suitable for such age group? (below the age of 4)

This blog post is created to answer these question and hopefully benefit you in making the right decision for your upcoming party!
Many Magicians or party planners will tell you that their Magic Show is suitable for all ages but is that true? To us, a Magic Show should not be like a movie where the kids just sit quietly and watch the show. If that is the case than yes, you can say a Magic Show is suitable for all ages. To us, the interaction, the rapport, the clapping along, the participation and the cheering is what makes a Magic Show good, enjoyable and memorable! Having the kids to sit and enjoy a Magic Show quietly is as good as playing a youtube video. They will watch and that's about it.
(Notice the younger ones will tempt to clap along when everyone else is doing so)
So what age would a Magic Show be suitable? If you are celebrating your child's baby showers or 1st birthday party, that is totally fine! In fact, we have been part of hundreds of such parties but it is very important to note that your guests should consist of children above the age of 4. Why is that so? Because, younger kids tempts to copy what the elder ones are doing! If the older kids clap and cheer, guess what? The younger ones will tempt to follow! If the older kids laugh and participate, the younger ones will too!

Thus, it is very important that the children invited are all above 4 years old or at the very least consist of a mixture of some kids above the age of 4 for maximum success of a Magic Show. What happens if your invited kids are mostly below the age of 4? What is suitable? I'm glad you asked! To us, closing a booking of our Magic Show is important but we do not want to prioritise business over the success of your child's party! We want to ensure that the RIGHT services is arrange for you for the RIGHT age group. If most of the kids are toddlers below the age of 4, balloon sculpting, face painting, glitter tattoos or ball pits are VERY SUITABLE! Even one year old would enjoy playing in a ball pit and these services can keep them entertained for HOURS!

We hope this simple blog post have benefitted you in some ways, please do not hesistate to contact us! We are very committed to ensure your child's upcoming party is a successful one! Even if we are not selected for the job, we feel the urge to at least advice and ensure that your child's upcoming celebration is a successful and enjoyable one.
Markson The Magician